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Ideas are everywhere, let’s sit down and organize.

To everyone supporting the moment of #BlackLivesMatter in Los Angeles & across the globe I thank you.

Slowly but surely we are seeing the powers that be adjust to us whether it’s implementing a city wide curfew or cops & armed forces showing appreciation to us from the other side.

its not enough. I saw some say that it’s like when the toxic boyfriend brings you flowers, a guilt trip into making up apologize & comprise. That is not our goal.

Our next efforts is to educate & establish collectively what our goals are going to be going forward.

In Los Angeles I want to organize & host a rally/sit down with supporters of the movement & leaders of our community.

I believe this will be a good break away from all the news of looting taking away from the message of equality.

I will be adding to this blog as the day continues, please share to any leaders of organizations and groups that can help secure a venue in the Southern California area.

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