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The 72 Hour Album

Updated: Oct 29, 2021

Greetings Multiverse!

Welcome to the Written Documentation of The Worlds First 72-Hour Album.

The WHY..

A 72 Hour Album Is Needed In This Day In Age. Not For the Sense That Someone will dedicate 72 Hours Of There Life of Consistant Attention & Listening ability. This Album Is Needed To Be Released For The Reflection of The Current State Of World Outside of The confines of Typical Format of Music Consumption.

A Reflectional Piece.

Utilizing The All The Tools We Currently Use As Content Creators In This Life & Addressing The Satire That Shadows Along Side.

The How..

The Where..

The First Phase Of This Release Will Take Place Worldwide. Our 24/7 Livestream On YouTube Will Run A Halloween Special MKS on Realizm TV Starting on October 28th. Over the 72 Hour Live We will be discussing Current Events, A Audio Documentation Of How This Album Was Created in Phases; The Idea, The Execution, & The Product. Featuring Interviews, Freestyles & Thought Provoking Discussions From Artist, Influencers, & Other Notable People In The World Thru The Lens & Ears Of The MKS Master.

Listen At Any Moment Here:

The Second Phase Will Be The Release of The “What A Tumultuous Time To Be Alive!!“ NFT.

As of This Moment We Are Looking To Upload To The Open Sea (Etheru Blockchain) Around The Time Of Our Third Phase. Load Up Those Wallets & Stay Tuned For Upcoming Announcements .

Our Third Phase Will Be The One Man Show of “What A Tumultuous Time To Be Alive!” on October 31st @ 7pm PST. A hour and A half Pay Per View Special Discussing current events, DOOMSDAY / Halloween, Crypto Currency, Today’s Plight for The Content Creator , & The State of The World.

The Difference..

This is a Multifacted event. Only Right if it’s something The MKS Master is putting together. A NFT PROJECT, A One Man Show, A Crypto Currency Auction, and a 72 Hour Album. We are looking to address & Bring to Light the current state of the world, express The hardships of today’s Content Creator, and discuss The Tactfulness Needed to progress forward in society.

We hope To Take You By Surprise. Stay Blessed.

Links To Navigate:

What A Tumultuous Time To Be Alive! October 31st One Man Show -

Live Event RSVP -

REAL RADIO [72 HOUR Album] (Live Podcast+Radio) -

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