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The uncomfortable thought that forestalls me.

For anyone in the Cyberverse that has never seen a picture of me or even; this is our First ever encounter, for it though, you do not know me,

I Am A African American Male In America.

It is currently 9:08pm on the melancholy night of June 2nd, 2020.

Every state, Every City in the United States of America Held a protest. A Goal that has never been seen in the history of America. All Fighting for Black Lives Matter.

I, however, stayed in my house.

I went to the march on fairfax/Beverly here in Los Angeles a few days back. I initially went to take pictures Of the event & donate money from the pictures sales to the George Floyd fund.

”Another event, Another Moment in time I can capture”

so I thought.

Not knowing the realization that this is no mere protest to honor another African American who lost his life to gun violence by a cop.

No. This is the start of something bigger.

Bigger than Change.

Bigger Than a Revolution.

Bigger Than Riots.

Bigger Than Petty Arguments you have with the 7/11 guy.

This Moment We Are Living In Now Is Sublime.

What we do today will impact the next generation coming.

We want equal rights for minorities?


We want open communication about sexual tramas?


We want to defund police?


But, We. Must. Organize.

& that is what I spent today doing.

Reorganized my life, RePrioritized myself for the challenge in which is to come.

after witnessing first hand the climate of not only my people But For the first time witnessing a multitude of different ethnicitys, back grounds, etc. coming together To fight for the same cause, I knew.

I knew I had to step up.

I had to step up on my knowledge of African America Issues.

I had to step up my communication skills & articulate myself & how I feel on black lives.

Ive been timid for way to long holding my opinions inside, not because of a fear of being vulnerable, But for rather not sharing in hopes of not further escalating a situation to far. With anyone.

Family, Friends, Acquaintances, Cops, The Guy at 7/11.. (He’s really a good guy)

I thought in a “better safe than sorry” mindset. Passively expressing for what I wanted.

I am he, No longer.

nah, He, is no longer I.

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