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If I told you there was a brief case somewhere in this cave that holds 20 Million Dollars in it & I had no map of the cave, would you still embark to find it?

what if I’m lying? What if I’m telling the truth? What if muggers lye waiting for your arrival? What if instead of 20 Million In the case it’s 50 Million? What if there are boobietraps? What if you must face your worst fear in order to get to the said treasure?

that is uncertainty. Uncertainty that you will even achieve a fraction of what is to be said to await you.

& the inevitable answer you must give us either, Yes or No.

yes, you agree to embark into the unknown & claim the rewards & benefits it takes to get to said prize.

or No, & wait for something to arrise that favor the odds to what suits you.

& somehow, either way you will regret something.

if you read this looking for a answer to Uncertainty, well, I wrote this because I’m uncertain.

im Uncertain about a lot of things & the fact of the matter is, I’m not scared to admit it.

people live their whole lives afraid of uncertainty, when in reality it will always linger.

So why Run from it?

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